Cardinal Visits

We all know that time old tale that we heard growing up about the Cardinals. When they appear in our yard, or in our sight it means that we are receiving a visit from a loved one that has passed on and they are showing us that they are here watching over us.

Maybe today I got that sign. Lately, I have found myself thinking a lot about 3 specific people. My Great-Grandma Edna, my Grandpa Ken and my Step-Dad Gene. I haven’t slept much in the last couple months either. Its seems that each time I fall asleep, I find them there in my dreams like they have never left and everything is ok. The only problem is, it isn’t ok. Because I wake up, and they are gone again. It is like having to say goodbye all over again. It is a heartache that just keeps replaying itself over and over again.

I have tried relentlessly to figure out why this is happening. Is it because I haven’t dealt with their death? Is it because I was closer to them throughout life or because I spent so much time around them? I can never seem to find the answer. And when I cant justify it, I end up beating myself up because, I realize that I don’t find myself thinking and reflecting on the passing of my biological father, when I feel like I should. But truth is, I know that he is truly better. With his health the way it was, this cruel world was no place for him. So why can’t I see it that way with the others?

My Great-Grandmas health and mind was starting to slip just before her passing, my Grandpa had kidney failure, and my Step-Dad… Well, the jury is still out on that one. But I do know that he was sick. To what extent, we don’t know. We could never get any straight answers from the doctors.

My whole point to this is that as I was looking out my window today, I saw 3 absolutely beautiful cardinals land together on a tree branch outside my window. They were so full and red. They just sat there and looked at me as I looked at them, and sang. And for the first time in a long time I felt at peace. For a moment I felt like everything was going to be ok, that everything that I am going through right now will pass, and a blanket of comfort came over me.

I always hope that they are there watching over me and are proud of the person that I am STILL becoming.


About perfectspiker84

I am a: Mother, Daughter, Grand-daughter, Aunt, Niece, Cousin, Friend, Student, Paranormal Investigator and Fibromyalgia Warrior... I am not a natural born writer, but I like to share the thoughts that are in my head. Can you handle them?
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